
Bonus Episode-Relationship Series-Episode 7-Carmella

Bonus Episode-Relationship Series-Episode 7-Carmella Bonus Episode! You’re welcome! Relationship Series! Carmella and I have a candid conversation about what it’s like dating in this Covid times and being single in our 40’s. You get a sneak peek into our lives as we discuss relationship topics and how we’re navigating through these interesting times. Enjoy! Disclaimer:…

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Relationship Series-Episode 6-Jeff and Toni

Relationship Series-Episode 6-Jeff and Toni Last but not least of our Relationship Series! Jeff and Toni share an inside look to their interracial relationship. The good, bad, ups, downs and how it is to live in this current society. This was my longest episode yet, but it was too good of a conversation to edit…

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Relationship Series-Episode 5-Ashley

Relationship Series-Episode 5-Ashley ***WARNING-EXPLICIT CONTENT AND LANGUAGE*** Well…..I’m not even sure what to say about this episode other than it definitely was a frank and unapologetic conversation about personal experiences of being in a relationship. Definitely a different view point and we had an amazing time (Of course)! Enjoy! Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed…

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Relationship Series-Episode 4-Quannie

Relationship Series-Episode 4-Quannie It’s the ladies turn! I am beyond excited to welcome Quannie to this RaeDay Podcast episode. Our conversation is definitely interesting, and we tried our best to keep it PG-13 (although we didn’t completely succeed-Lol). Sit back, relax, and enjoy.

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Relationship Series-Episode 3-Yours Truly

Relationship Series-Episode 3-Yours Truly We let the men go first, now it’s our turn! Yours truly, Rae DeShay, kicks off the ladies episodes! Bonus episodes coming…..

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Relationship Series-Epiosde 2-Darrius

If you enjoyed my time with Eric, you’re going to LOVE my time chatting with Darrius! Darrius and I had an amazing conversation that made me say, “Well, ok then”…..and not in a good way. As always, point blank questions with honest answers-Even when they’re not easy to hear. Enjoy!

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Relationship Series-Episode 1-Eric

Relationship Series-Episode 1-Eric What can I say about this episode?! Honest questions with honest answers-Get ready! Get ready! ****Portions of this episode will be on RaeDay Podcast After Dark****

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